Author: Sean

If you’re a rafting rookie, thoughts of your first expedition can evoke anything from excitement to unease. A raft is not your typical form of transportation, afterall. Ideally, that excited feeling will stick around. And that nervous feeling? With a few helpful reminders, we can hopefully turn that around.  Follow the Rules of the Road. Oops, We Meant River Did you raft to work this morning? We...

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Maybe you think that extreme sports are not for you, or perhaps you are trying to persuade someone to try and they are a bit reluctant. If you need some reasons why it’s a great idea to try an extreme sport, then keep reading. We have collected all the reasons why (almost) everyone should experience the thrill of extreme sports at least once in their...

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Technology has made our lives easier but also brought many problems like online scams, lack of privacy, and gaming addiction with it. Video games are a great way to pass the time and it shouldn’t be anything more than that. However, many people have made them a part of their everyday life.  You can judge their popularity and excessive use from the fact that this industry...

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When you are in your 20s, all your friends who want to get in shape, go to the gym. However, when you turn 30, it seems like all the people around you suddenly catch the marathon fever. Since it is a discipline that doesn’t require expensive equipment or membership that will guilt you into training, it is ideal for busy parents and individuals with more...

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An Airsoft shooter must have many qualities that a normal person does not possess. The role of a shooter in an Airsoft sport is to use his intelligence and eliminate other players with long-distance shots in order to eliminate certain players from the opposing team. Selected shooters must have excellent aim. They should be able to assume a position, aim, control their breathing and pull...

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