Author: Sean

A lot of people will have absolutely no idea that there are actually two different types of Roulette, it is not something that is commonly talked about either to be fair. But yes, there is in fact two differing types of Roulette, one being the European variety, and the other the American one. Our pesky transatlantic cousins eh, always have to be a little different… The...

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Traveling, adventure, adrenaline rush, exploring are all that an explorer seeks. Ask them the reason behind it; they will tell you about the peace that they find. Traveling is overrated, but for the wrong reasons. A traveler seeks peace, cleansing of the soul, and a break from the busy city life. It is almost like a road that is less traveled. To others, a traveler...

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Are you tired of the same old roads? Are you looking for ways to spice up your running routine? Or are you simply trying to find a new way to reconnect with nature and spend more time in the fresh air? If so, trail running might just be what the doctor prescribed. Running at the heart of nature will help you discover a whole new...

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There is great danger attached to many sports that people participate in. Some are more extreme than others of course, but there are also sports that you wouldn’t expect to be dangerous, that in fact are. We take a look at the top five sports which are far more dangerous than you think.  #5 Lawn Bowls When you think of lawn bowls you think of peaceful games...

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Extreme sports are exciting and breathtaking activities that involve risks. It takes a lot of willpower and strength in order for a person to become part of a thrilling event. Moreover, it should always come together with a very high level of confidence. With such inherent risks that this kind of sports brings, it is always vital to have appropriate accessories among sports enthusiasts. A sport...

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