Author: Sean

Shopping for a mountain bike is both an exciting and taxing experience for cyclists who spend weeks comparing models from various brands. These pedal-powered vehicles are available in a multitude of styles, frame materials, wheel sizes, and suspension types. Cyclists are supposed to look for a bicycle that matches their riding style and the type of terrain they prefer. Downhills bikes are ideal for adrenaline junkies,...

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The weekend is here. You finished all your household chores, have some cold brewskies ready in your fridge, got the gang together for a Skype call, and you’re ready to watch your favorite team win an NHL game. Life is perfect – at least until you see these words that make every sport junkie’s heart skip a beat: “This game is blacked out in your area.” The...

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Do you need a record board for the next wrestling championship? Many school coaches find these panels incredibly informative and eye-catching both for wrestlers and visitors.  Wrestling boards are used to honor former and current champions, as well as help individuals stay on top of season records. These can be customized to fit the necessary size, colors, and layout, hence representing schools in the best possible...

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skydiving australia geronimo

Those people are absolutely crazy right? Why would you want to jump out of a plane with nothing but hard earth underneath you? This line of thought is really common when people think of skydiving. They see people jumping out of a plane with a parachute, landing in a paddock or on the beach but think nothing of the why behind the jump. Why do people love...

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Getting started in the game of golf is not easy. You need all kinds of equipment, from clubs to balls to a bag. The rules are complicated and confusing, not to mention the course etiquette. Well, at least getting dressed to play isn’t a problem, right? No so fast! What to wear when you play golf can be nuanced. You don’t want to stand out like...

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