
Surfing and sunbathing are a regular occurrence, but Los Angeles has far more to offer than water and sunstroke. From having beach bonfires to kitesurfing to summiting 10,000-foot peaks, there are countless ways to appreciate the scenic beauty of Southern California, even during social distancing times. While this article will dive into different activities you can do according to which neighborhood you live in, you can...

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It’s been a while since we last heard from professional sports. The coronavirus pandemic has virtually shut down all the major sporting events across the globe. And without a cure for the deadly COVID-19 virus, there’s no definite date as to when sports will be back and back to normal. American Pro Sports Suspension After the NBA suspended its season on March 11th, 2020, it wasn’t long...

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Ever since esports became popular, many people have commented that it seems ironic that an activity that is dependent on computer technology is played out in brick-and-mortar arenas. Now, esports tournaments around the world are being cancelled due to coronavirus restrictions. As a result, many esports players are turning to online tournaments, making the tournaments and the jackpot casino prizes more accessible to more players and...

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Champions League title is the most precious and noblest in Europe that everyone dreams of. It’s not only because of a long history of the league but here is also the place where giants and powerful clubs compete against each other.  However, big clubs don’t mean they can get this cup easily. Some players could never have a chance to touch the gold medal of the...

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TikTok, the social media app, has rapidly become one of the most popular applications in the entire world. Used mostly by a younger audience, the app is usually associated with lip-syncing, dancing, and other movement-based videos, all of which are only about 15 seconds long. Companies can also use TikTok for marketing, which is what we are going to explore today.  Create your own channel TikTok ads...

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